Фирменная пицца с сыром моцарелла, ветчиной, шампиньонами, колбаской пепперони, беконом и сладким перцем, посыпается пармезаном (28 см)
22.7 Br480 g
Пицца Маргарита
Классическая итальянская пицца с фирменным томатным соусом и сыром моцарелла. Украшается базиликом. 28 см
15.3 Br270 g
Мясная лазанья
Та самая, правильная лазанья с мясной начинкой из говядины, запечённая со сливочным соусом бешамель, с сырами моцарелла и пармезан
18.6 Br270 g
Пенне Арабьята
Классическая паста с пикантным томатным соусом, шампиньонами, чесноком и петрушкой. Арабьята в переводе с итальянского означает сердитый, намек на то, что паста острая (в состав входит перец чили и чёрный перец)
11.9 Br320 g
Спагетти Болоньезе
Традиционные спагетти с густым соусом из сочной говядины и пармезаном — беспроигрышный вариант. Насыщенный вкус и много мяса — всё как надо
17.9 Br380 g
Спагетти Карбонара
Паста по классическому рецепту
17.2 Br245 g
Салат Панцанелла
Знаменитый тосканский салат с подсушенным домашним хлебом и итальянской заправкой с мёдом
Great place! The atmosphere has sunk into the soul, it is very cozy. I liked the positions in the menu, the waiting time is normal for such a download.
I would like to mention the work of the restaurant staff. Unfortunately, in many establishments there are problems with the staff.
All the guys here are very nice and friendly. Special thanks to the waiter Maxim for his help with the selection of dishes and courteous service. I managed to maintain the atmosphere of the evening) We left in a great mood! We will definitely come back again, and I would like to replace him)
I often visit the restaurant "il patio" and every time I am extremely satisfied!
The interior of the restaurant is very cozy and stylish. Warm tones, soft lighting and thoughtful decor create an atmosphere of comfort and relaxation. It is an ideal place for a romantic dinner, as well as for meetings with friends.
Top-level service! I especially want to mention our waiter Vadim. He is always polite, attentive and ready to help with the selection of dishes. We never waited long, and all our wishes were taken into account. Vadim really makes each of our visits special!
The menu is varied and interesting. Everything was cooked with love and served beautifully.
The prices are quite adequate for this level of establishment. Considering the quality of the food and service, we can say that this is an excellent price-quality ratio.
Bottom line:
Overall, I am very happy with every visit I make to il patio. This place has become a real find for me, and I am happy to recommend it to my friends. If you are looking for a restaurant with a good atmosphere and delicious food, this is exactly what you need! And don't forget to contact Vadim — he's a really great waiter!
I recently visited Il Patio and was pleasantly surprised! The atmosphere was cozy and the food was incredibly delicious. But the highlight of the evening was a meeting with the waitress Alexandra.
Her friendliness and attentiveness simply won me over. Alexandra was well versed in the menu, helped me choose dishes that perfectly suited my mood, and was always ready to answer all my questions.
Thanks to Alexandra, the evening in Il Patio became truly unforgettable. I will definitely come back again!