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Тогда Вам сюда.
50 Br1 h
Курс "Chopper"
Права уже есть, но не чувствуете себя уверенно на дороге?
Страшно входить в повороты?
Нет уверенности, что сможете экстренно затормозить?
Тогда Вам сюда.
75 Br1 h
A категория по государственной программе обучения.
Подготовка и экзамен ГАИ на нашей площадке
▪Проверьте свои документы: паспорт, водительское с талоном, медсправку Вы должны иметь их в виде оригиналов, не ксерокопии.
▪Проверьте срок действия медсправки.
The dream is to learn how to ride a motorcycle and get a category "A" – to be!
A month of bright, emotional life with the i. Ride Motorcycle School
Should I take the traffic police exam the first time? Easy! Thanks to a team of cool guys who are sick and love their work, it's really easy to do, they teach so cool that even with shaking, wooden legs and arms you can drive an eight!)
The first lesson, instructor Artyom put on a MOTO, showed and told everything, and I drove around the site. Well, how did I go, I rushed))) Smacked, laughed, got up and drove off again. And then, every lesson stung like a child with candy. Motorcycle, wind, turns…Special thanks to instructor Artyom for his ability to explain, teach, show, correct. For patience when you can't get over yourself and get off the asphalt on the eight. For the ability to support, calm down (tears)and make you drive it with one hand!!!
Then the internal exam. On the eve of a nervous breakdown and a desire to jump into the abyss, but they won't let you do it. Over and over again, I was inspired by confidence and rules, simple rules, but very important, the main thing is to listen and hear!!!
October 31, day X-traffic police exam! I was torn apart by excitement, although I knew, I had done it many times and I knew, but the jitters were still waking up in me. It only remained to overcome myself and be able to calm down, I coped. The exam is passed, category "A" is open, and then the CONTRAVARIKA and work on yourself!
All the instructors Olga, Artyom, Alexey and Yuri will explain, tell, show and tell you what not to do so that everything is beautiful. I repeat, THE MAIN THING IS TO LISTEN AND HEAR!!! And all this in a friendly and informal atmosphere! They give their best 200% in training, and you give your best with them. This is the only way it will work out. Many thanks for the exam, for the support! Thanks again, i. Ride
Motorcycle School for being there, loving your job and helping people plunge into a new world. Good luck to you!
All instructors are professionals in their field
The best motorcycle school, I am very grateful to everyone
In addition to driving skills, you will find a lot of good acquaintances here and will have a great time
Great motorcycle school! There are about 20 minutes of theory and everything else practice, practice, instructor advice and practice) Everything is very well organized. Everyone in the reviews praises the instructors, yes, they are very cool, experienced and positive. But I want to note that the whole team of the motorcycle school are very cool guys and did everything at the highest level. The technique is pleasant, serviceable, 250 cubic meters is not 125 as usual. During my training, I tried 3 motorcycles and eventually passed all the exams on the one I liked.
In the future, I plan to take KA courses here.