Обжаренное в растительном фритюре куриное мясо, в панировочных сухарях (4 шт.)
850 ₸74 g
Рубленый бифштекс из натуральной цельной говядины с кусочками сыра на карамелизованной булочке, заправленной горчицей, кетчупом, луком и кусочком маринованного огурчика
900 ₸116 g
Обжаренная куриная котлета, панированная в сухарях, которая подается на карамелизованной булочке, заправленной свежим салатом и специальным соусом
The best restaurant, kind staff, delicious food,good music, fast cooking, beautiful surroundings, as well as kind people and an incredible atmosphere, generally a great place, in which the only disadvantages are slightly unhealthy food
The food is quite good. The prices are adequate, but. But... The operating mode is indicated around the clock. In fact, I'm at the restaurant right now at 5:39... It's not around the clock, because the doors are closed. It is open from 7 a.m. to 12 a.m. I have a bus to another city at 7. That's it. I didn't sleep for twenty-four hours, I was hoping to eat before I left, but it wasn't fate.
It is very convenient that you can make and receive an order directly from the car. I don't know what it tastes like, but my daughter asks me to come by very often. The service is instant and the staff is courteous.