Очень понравился отель, милая и радушная атмосфера. Вкусные простые завтраки, которые вам приготовят заботливые тетушки. Прекрасный бассейн, есть зона для детей. До моря идти 7 минут ! I really liked the hotel, a sweet and friendly atmosphere. Delicious simple breakfasts that your loving aunts will prepare for you. There is a nice swimming pool, an area for children. 7 Minutes walk to the sea
A good hotel, there is a swimming pool, the place is quiet, the sea is nearby, near a park with a playground. There is a cafe on the ground floor. The rooms are relatively inexpensive
See original · Русский
Level 12 Local Expert
August 1, 2023
An excellent hotel in terms of price and quality, as well as with a normal pool and breakfast. Here is to add an assortment to the breakfasts + cook according to the menu to order for an additional fee - there would be no price at all) well, it was worth cleaning at least once every 2-3 days, and not once a week or two and then on request.