In general, everything was great: the room was normal, the cleaning, but! An employee of the canteen (from Egypt) takes on a lot, tried to serve plates of food to everyone himself, of course he did not have time, they waited a long time for him to bring it... I poured the water only from the machine myself, although we could have poured it ourselves, in the end I waited half an hour until she brought a carafe of water! Strict, domineering, although he is only a maintenance staff. We came for breakfast, lunch and dinner in a bad mood because of him! Annoying
At first glance, the hotel is not remarkable, but everything is at a pretty good level for such a price. The food is good and tasty, the rooms are cleaned daily. A beautiful dog named Enzo lives at the hotel. And the sea is not as far away as it seems.
A budget place, a good 3rd bed room, For those who do not need show-offs and novelties. No frills meals, everything you need (breakfast/dinner). To the sea at a slow pace of 12 minutes 👍👍👍👍