The Khojipasa Cultural Center, a former hamam building, has two floors. The first one sells tickets to the Dervish show, the whirling dervish dance. The second floor is a mini museum with posters that tells the story of the Dervish culture (in Turkish and English). The hall is round and high, the chairs are in a circle, and the dance takes place in the center. First, a short story on the screen, then the musicians perform, play ancient instruments, the dervishes come out and the dance begins, for 40 minutes. Tickets in euros / lira. Tourists are 37 euros. At the exit, they offer to drink tea and you can buy something edible and souvenirs. Taking pictures and filming during the show is prohibited, and making noise is also prohibited. In general, I really liked it, because I am spiritually close to the history of the dervishes. This is a very peculiar dance, read the reviews a hundred times and at least in advance about the culture of this dance.
Real art should be incomprehensible (but not a fact). Very beautiful music, unusual instruments, and the voice of the performers is mesmerizing. In general, everything is very authentic.
If you have not read the prehistory of the dervishes, be sure to read it, the idea will make some sense to you. But if you are not going to read, and even more so if you are male, then you will be disappointed - you will not see anything unusual, the men will spin around their axis for 40 minutes, and all the sacredness of the dance will evaporate with the first yawns of the same accidentally knocked-up audience as you. Some were sitting with their eyes closed. To be fair, if the performance had cost at least 20 euros, I would have enjoyed it a little more, but for 35 euros per person, taking into account the current exchange rate, it's just not worth it. It's better to buy baklava for your friends, go to a restaurant or get drunk - you will get a lot more pleasure and for sure you will not be disappointed. My wife liked the performance, so if your other half really, really wants to see everything with her own eyes, guys, buy her a ticket, and go yourself, have a beer or walk along the embankment, it will be a win-win for the whole family. For the saved 35 euros, you will still remember with a kind word :) Peace to all!
My wife and I really liked it! The spirit of contact with the high is very well conveyed by the dervishes, the orchestra and the presenter. If you don't like it, then most likely it's waiting for the show. But this is not a show!!!!