Alexander Olimpovich is a super teacher. Yes, his grades are not the main thing. But he sought knowledge from the students. The teacher of the Soviet school. A thousand thanks to him. Honestly, it's a pity that he hasn't been teaching here since this year. The children respect him. He is strict, humorous, objective. You can't spoil yourself with such teachers, but they also give wings to children.
The math teacher has already crippled the psyche so much that children go to his lesson with fear. Yes, it's you, Alexander Olimpovich. New topics are poorly explained, children do not understand. You probably forgot, first of all you are a teacher, and it is your duty to TEACH and EXPLAIN clearly to the guys. There are no lessons, the material does not explain in full, the results of all children are in the diary.
Отличная гимназия с опытными педагогами, особенно радуют учителя английского, физики и математики! Новый директор лично мне импонирует намного больше старого. 1 смена во всех классах кроме 3-4, что не может не радовать. Профили в 10-11 классах физмат и матангл. На уроках информатики дети изучают Python!