I am already writing about the sick in 15 years..I live in the yard of a brothel..There is no strength left from the constantly shouting, drunken companies coming out of there.They all gather in our yard, spread out on benches (apparently, they are going to finish their drinks..).There are children walking around, older people have nowhere to sit down-everything is occupied by drunks.I just had to call the police, because one of the visitors to this seedy place decided to relax right in the middle of the yard.Is there really no justice for the owner of the store???How much can you openly make money from other people's troubles??How many more of these drinkers have to take out of your "deli" feet first so that you finally think??- I have a question for the director personally.Half of the neighbors got drunk thanks to this bottling plant, because they pour alcohol of unknown quality from under the floor and sell it for pennies!!