It was cool, funny and interesting. Cool music, if it's about the club, fun, and the cocktails are delicious enough. In principle, I respect this place, it's better than the Taj Mahal club.
This is the weakest Hard Rock in terms of quality.
Even comparing it with Tunisia .
In this institution, they came to watch a live music performance.An elderly guest singer shouted Arabic songs at the top of his voice after a couple of songs.I walked all over the hall and tried to get people to dance.Occasionally, of course, he tried to sing European songs, the key word was TRYING.
The price tag for the food is just crazy, so it was clear, we took 2 burgers , 3 beers , 2 cocktails with local alcohol (to taste like in a hotel) and a small portion of shrimp, so we gave $ 80 for this.
It is too early for Egypt to open such establishments. I give 1 point for delicious shrimp.