They're cheating here. No one pulls out of the word at all, when I was with a little girl, she burst into tears that she lost all her money, I also played in a similar slot machine as a child, it was the only one in my area, it was honest, I pulled out a lot of toys, and the toys were awesome earlier, now they are being transported from China in containers, and they don't even give a randomizer people win. That is, the business model is at its maximum, only profit for children and adults, and zero fair play. Minsk is not that big, the reputation will reach the majority, I think they won't live like this for a long time, you can't cheat like that, and upset kids are generally ((((
We always play here when we visit Minsk, both in Prisma and in Titan. The place is normal, we don't leave without winning. And finish the repairs in Gomel in Mandarin, finally, it was best for us to drive closer there.
so I came to play as the main ludoman, I know how to play NORMAL SLOT MACHINES, but when I got there I was a little surprised at how much the machine is a sucker.. he just takes the game and lets it go. in general, I was a little upset that I didn't get anything from 22 attempts, although I would have gotten it right away in a vending machine in some random store. I do not recommend terrible machines if you have problems with the nervous system