When they first opened, they kept the cakes brand for five years, the pies were just amazingly delicious and now every other time, sometimes they come across delicious cakes, apparently the old pastry chef gets down to business, but often the bullshit is complete, then dry, then the butter is so much as if he didn't buy a cake but just a kilogram of butter with sugar
I bought a snickers cake. Its price is 11 thousand, I am discounted for 8900 thousand, I was very unpacked, the cake is dry, inside the bizet with nuts and nougat, there is no cream with cream cheese, the cakes are tight, dry, there are few nuts. The emotions were spoiled, the products were praised, but I would rate 1 out of 5. The tap tatti cake is much tastier and cheaper, more airy and the cream is very delicate. In general, I did not like the cake in happy Cake. Expensive and dry, not worth your money. I will take it as before in tap tatti .