Bank employees are constantly trying to slip people a Halyk Lite credit card and those who do not know its terms trustfully agree, but then you will pay about 7000 tenge for it annually and plus delay and interest this is a scam why before offering they try to hide and do not negotiate the true terms of this card, never agree and do not take a Halyk Lite credit card this is beneficial to the bank, but not to you!!! And the bank guard is very rude, conflicted, it's very unpleasant. I don't know why the director won't reprimand him for this, he has no right to be rude to the customers of this bank!
The room is separate. Not much. There are a lot of people. The department of legal Entities is located on the second floor with a separate manager. The services of the bank itself for legal entities have become worse. The service deteriorates every year, even though the bank positions itself 24x7