We were very lucky, my children went to this garden. It is always clean and fresh. The administration and the staff of the garden will always listen, help, and prompt. There were no serious questions, but even the little things were solved quickly. A big plus is children's playgrounds in the forest. The air is always clean there. Regarding the food, two children ate according to the usual menu (very tasty - special thanks to the cook!), and the third had a separate menu. There were no global issues: the cook, the health worker, the head and the educator were always in touch with me. Nutrition is a big plus. The educational process (I myself was not present at the classes), but children and educators always tell how the day went, what needs to be repeated or fixed at home. Especially for pre-school children. The organization of children's parties is also on top, all children participated, without exception. Poetry, dancing - there was no such thing as "that your child, speaks poorly, will not read poetry." No, everyone always read poetry. We were engaged with the children!!! Children were instilled with respect for each other, empathy, friendship. Many thanks to the kindergarten!