It's just a tin, marking the boundaries of the site to wait more than 6 months, they generally work there! People will change their mind about buying a plot after such a deadline. I built the house faster.
I ordered the establishment of the boundaries of the land plot, we did everything efficiently, we met the deadlines, even a week faster. Cost... Well, it's a bit high, but as far as I know, it's not set by the company, so it hardly applies to evaluating their activities. So in general it's not bad, I would even say good)
On a difficult issue, I turned to the deputy chief engineer Vyacheslav Evgenievich, was heard, received comprehensive advice, and thank you for your responsiveness to Elena Ivanovna and Inna Stepanovna!
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Level 8 Local Expert
March 4
The establishment of the boundaries of the land plot takes more than 3 months....