I bought it on 13.02, cooked it on 14.02. The stench is incredibly sour-a rotten product!!!All 2 packages are damaged goods!!!I wish all employees of the Grodno meat processing plant to eat rancid products of their own production every day, and suffer the consequences every day after eating them!!!
I always bought the products of the meat processing plant, it was delicious, wonderful, lately not sausage, but you don't even know how to say, not tasty salty, some kind of mess where the pieces of meat should be. They ruined the products.
Wiener sausages. I'm terrified. There 's so much E !!!!! Bird DNA is also present. What is this? It says that the dishes are made of pork and beef, but are they made of poultry? This is a fake! You're lying, gentlemen! I won't take any more Nikonda!