Двойная говяжья котлета, приготовленная по фирменному рецепту, источает аппетитный аромат. Она поджарена до совершенства и заключена в мягкую, тёплую булочку. Хрустящий жареный лук и сочные ломтики томата добавляют свежести и солёности, а сыры вносят
22.5 Br400 g
Бургер Классический с говядиной
Сочная говядина, хрустящие овощи и свежие салатные листья создают сытный и ароматный баланс. Лук придаёт остроту, помидоры — сочность, а маринованные огурцы вносят пикантный солоноватый оттенок. Сочетание кетчупа и горчичного соуса добавляет выразите
21 Br380 g
22 Br400 g
Куриные наггетсы
Обжаренные в растительном фритюре кусочки куриного мяса, панированные в сухарях (9 шт.)
I recently discovered a new burger joint, and it was a real discovery! 🍔✨
From the very threshold, you can feel a pleasant atmosphere: stylish interior, cozy music, and friendly staff, who immediately greets you with a smile. The menu pleases with its variety: from classic burgers to creative author's options. A perfectly fried juicy patty, fresh ingredients and a signature sauce that makes this burger unforgettable. The serving is also excellent — everything is neat and delicious.
By the way, I would like to mention the French fries separately — crispy and fragrant.
I can say with confidence that this place will become my favorite for meetings with friends and delicious snacks.
If you haven't been here yet, I highly recommend it! 🌟
Very tasty and satisfying burgers! The assortment on the menu is good. It's clean and cozy.
They always bring me a JUICY burger. Yes, when boarding is complete, the waiting time increases, but this is not critical.
The prices are adequate, the staff is too)
Reading some of the reviews, it seems that it is written by competitors and capricious residents of the NBR.
People, less pathos and more humanity. The institution is operating in a test mode, which implies the presence of some shortcomings.
I'm sure that everything at Grill Manero will be great.
Great place, great burgers. I like that it's always takeaway, the paper doesn't leak. The atmosphere of the place was great, I also really liked it on the Minsk Sea. Always friendly staff. I ate a burger and ate enough for the whole day. Thanks guys, I recommend it to everyone!