I would like to express my deep gratitude for the high professionalism, high-quality work and attentive attitude to customers. I chose this workshop based on a recommendation. The price-quality ratio is just perfect! Full customer orientation, listening to all comments, clarifications and questions. They can listen and hear! Everything is patient, unobtrusive and accessible.
There is no way to return the departed relatives, but when the monument was erected, and this caused tears from my elderly relatives. Good, bright tears. And this is probably the most eloquent assessment of your work!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! May everything be fine with you!
Sincerely, Julia
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the employees of the Granite House, especially the manager Oksana, for their professionalism and attentive attitude when choosing a monument. She not only helped us choose the right option, but also listened carefully to all our wishes, which was very important for us at such a difficult moment.
The quality of services and the attitude towards customers in the Granite House is at a high level. My family and I are deeply grateful to the staff for completing the order efficiently and on time.
I recommend contacting Granite House to anyone who is looking for professional help in selecting a monument to their loved ones.
A good workshop for the manufacture and installation of monuments. It so happened that the tragic events followed one after another, for the 2nd time there was no longer a question of where to turn. I would like to note the close cooperation with the client and interaction at every stage of the work: from the choice of design, photo processing, stone marking and to the installation of the monument. All employees are interested in ensuring that the final result satisfies the customer. A friendly and attentive attitude is important at such a moment. Thank you.