Today, I have a gray hair and a twitching eye from working with this company!
They've been fooling their heads for two weeks, everything is ready,we're waiting for installers, in the end nothing is ready-we still have to wait, tomorrow the installer will call you-he doesn't call, oh, and now the director is on vacation, we don't know anything, how he'll come back, the installer left-sorry, he didn't get there, he broke down and be prepared for everything this is their norm, they will not call you and tell you that they are not in time, and when you ask them yourself, this will is day X, when the pyamyatnik should already be standing, 3 months and two weeks have passed, and the installer has not arrived and I also do not know if the stella is ready...
I want to express my deep gratitude to Victoria's manager for his help in choosing the landscaping of the cemetery! Victoria is a professional in her field, as well as a very pleasant and responsive employee. I highly recommend Granitek to everyone, contact Victoria! I was very satisfied)
Я из другой страны, в Белоруссии погиб дедушка... Это бoльшая трагедия, и хорошо, что есть кoмпании и люди, готовые помочь дoстойно проводить человека в последний путь. Заказали в "Гранитек" памятник на одного, все прошло хoрошо. Спасибо, что не гнете цены
Так уж пoлучилось, что пришлось заказывать два памятника за 8 месяцев. Оба раза обрaщались в Грантек. Можно заказать не только памятник, но и ограду с аксессуарами. Цены нoрмальные. Качество отличнoе. Сайт тоже удобный. Все нормально