It became disgusting. The food is edible, but no more. The cleaners, like the janitor, do their job perfectly well, but the manager lies all day doing nothing. Electricity is turned off with enviable regularity in the elevator, which has finally earned over the years, it is scary to enter it, suddenly what, everything is unpredictable. There is no emergency lighting in the evening, the windows have been broken for many years and are standing there. Mattresses on the beds were brought back during the Soviet era. It's creepy. The beach is half occupied by buildings from the sun, paid, commanded by hired Tajiks. We've been driving for many years now, hardly. We will consider Sochi or Kaliningrad
Cool clean sea, a good beach that is within walking distance, the food is very tasty, beautiful nature, friendly staff, large rooms, although repairs should be done there)
A very pleasant place. Closed area, security. The rooms could certainly be renovated a bit. The food is tolerable, but monotonous. But the beach.... THERE IS NO BEACH OF ITS OWN!!! There are no sun beds. You go out of the gate to the beach, and there everything is occupied by wild vacationers. As a result, those who leave the boarding house have to step aside. There used to be a private beach and it was very convenient. I would like the management to solve this problem somehow, a boarding house without its own beach is not convenient.