We drove an SUV without any problems, a passenger car is more difficult, you can leisurely drive a gravel section of 1.5 km carefully and also without problems. When we arrived at the spring, there was only one person, after an hour it was already packed, so I think we got lucky, since the baths themselves are not large and will involve an average of 15 people each. The water is comfortable, one is hotter, the other is warm. This is a purely natural source that springs from the ground, the water is very saturated with hydrogen sulfide, the smell is appropriate.
A very interesting and useful place. We arrived there about 1.5 hours.
Taking hot baths alternated with bathing in a cold river that flows 100 m away. From the source.
We were in the middle of the week in the afternoon.
At first, there were 3 more cars besides us, 5-6 people from the locals.
But in the end we were all alone. If anyone is going to visit, be sure to take swimsuits.It's not worth coming just to see.
Combine business with pleasure.
The place consists of 2 baths in a field (which are shown in the photo). There is nothing more. We left Batumi at 3 a.m. in order to arrive early in the morning and swim without outsiders. But alas and ah. Even after a heavy downpour that lasted throughout our journey to this Geyser, upon arrival (around 6 a.m.), we found local people bathing there. I did not flatter myself into a small bath with unfamiliar men, so I personally could not appreciate the charms of the Geyser. We went in the middle of September. Out of season. But apparently there will always be people in this place. And one small bathtub for everyone, of course, does not accommodate everyone.