and you can pay 100 hryvnia per cubic meter of stinking water, maybe then the new director will realize that ordinary people have nothing to pay if he washes at that price for water 2 times a day, probably the pool with sauna will fill up
A financial cash trough for Lyakh Vadim and his friend Kim Jong-in, it is necessary to equip huts in Kiev, so they are hand in hand with a network of gas stations Adora and launder money from the pockets of residents.In fact, the water does not comply with the GOST of drinking water (filters are clogged with a smelly, red byaka for a month), the pressure is not normal.They also attribute cubes (in the receipt, on the counter, brazenly).There is no answer on the phones of the dispatch service.What kind of tariff increase can we talk about?Do you want to chip in on a yacht?