Good afternoon. I am a patient of this Polyclinic Zhantugulova Ayatkhan Kurmanzhanovna. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the nurse of this Polyclinic, Demukhan Akerke Erikovna. Responsible for her business, a serious nurse. Let their work go forward. May Allah bless his works.
The administration of the polyclinic, what are you doing?
Why do you make mistakes yourself and then pin everything on the district doctor?
When will you sort out my data?
What do you think if you hid the status and benefits column from me, will that be the end of it?
When you did it at all, what were you thinking about?
It won't end there, I'll go wherever I can to have the check carried out!
I have been registered in 23 polyclinics for a long time, the service is very lame, the doctors are not qualified. They try to negotiate for money. I am very unhappy with the work of the staff. I would recommend that the Manager sometimes make his own rounds.