The mountain is gorgeous. if you and your friend have nothing to do after school, go there. It's not far from St. Petersburg, which I confirm in other reviews. there is a cafe on the mountain, a manicure salon, a hairdresser (gorgeous, I got a haircut like a pot from a king and a fool, and Sergei had everything shaved off).
but no one talked about shawarma!(there, if you had to climb up to the sky for several kilometers).shawarma top, only cold. Serega and I met a penguin, his name was "to the bazaar", and we went there with him. there were Chinese at the bazaar, selling rice, but the penguin turned out to be able to twerk and as a result, his 5th dot grew and exploded.he's dead. The Chinese held a wake. We ate Chinese and took the 52 bus to Dubai.
Sergey and I are in Dubai now.
I advise everyone.
These majestic mountains are breathtaking in their beauty. The peaks, covered with snow, shine in the sun. The green slopes smoothly merge into valleys, creating a harmonious landscape. It is a real pleasure to observe such nature.
my friends have long recommended this place, so they decided to finally get out of the house with the children. We got from Butovo with transfers through the MCC, then to the 2nd and went. upon arrival, we were very tired, thank God Dixie turned out to be close, we thought to go into the magnet, but we no longer had the strength, you know. WiFi doesn't work everywhere... in general, it was a very good experience, only my husband asked where I left the children. minus one star, since couldn't get here, it will need to be finalized...