Early in the morning, on December 16, I arrived at the regional maternity hospital with premature discharge of water. I wasn't afraid, because I hadn't felt contractions at that time, and I was in labor for the first time - I don't know what to expect, but as they say, "everyone gives birth and I give birth"))).
Well, I was registered and sent to the prenatal ward (the conditions in it, (as in the postpartum), by the way, are super), where my body and I were given time to start labor on our own. This did not happen, I was given a lifesaver DRIP. And that's when it all started.
Finally, the contractions began. I was lying there, thinking about meeting my baby soon, walking.
Sometimes I was visited by interns from medical college and university. It didn't bother me, but on the contrary, it distracted me. And the guys need to learn, but as I understand it, my case is a bit unusual, and I was glad to answer all the questions.
The pain became more intense.
I was unwinding all over the ward, I was literally crawling on the floor and walls, I was turning inside out. I was very ashamed of my behavior, but I really couldn't control myself. At that time, Irina Anatolyevna Pryadikhina, the head of the department, patiently wore various fitballs to me and gave me advice, and the doctor who delivered me, Maria Gennadievna Jobava, came to my every "I can't do this anymore", calmed me down and, with her words of support, programmed in me the idea that I could do anything.
And I did it!
At 5:35 p.m., about 6 hours and 45 minutes after the start of labor stimulation, my daughter was born.
Just superhumanly thank you, Maria Gennadievna, for doing everything so that I would not end up on the operating table and give birth on my own. Thank you for putting up with my terrible behavior, thank you for not saying a single bad word, thank you for sewing me up well, thank you for putting my baby on my stomach right after giving birth!
I would also like to express my gratitude to the other girls who accompany me in this difficult task, but unfortunately I did not have time to consider their names.
I have only the most positive impressions, and I really hope that when I come for the second baby, I will be in the same hands again!
P.S. - In the postpartum department after the ER, all you need to do is look after the baby and attend the procedures. Nurses and doctors come to you with everything you need for checkups and treatment of babies, which is very convenient.
P.S.S. - Primiparous! Don't bring diapers with you, it's all provided by the maternity hospital. They give you the opportunity to feed with a mixture. There is a bidet in the postpartum department. Get plenty of diapers. Get ready for meconium)))
P.S.S.S. - Loban Elena Ivanovna from the postpartum department also occupies a special place in my heart! You are wonderful!!!💜
The third time in the Regional maternity hospital, when examining me, they informed me about the indication of Cesarean delivery (I gave birth to the first two myself).The operation went smoothly, after they put me in Intensive Care, they examined me, and I realized how the blood started to "gush" without saying anything, they injected antibodies from ivs, as it turned out later, I lost a lot of blood, but I felt fine, on the trail.The day was transferred to a regular ward in the Observation department with the baby (he's fine). They were lying, the doctors had drugs that needed to be injected after a Caesarean section according to the "Protocol", all the veins were pierced, there was no living place to find where to inject, from Overdose, there was a metallic taste in my mouth and it was very dry, informing the doctors, they reacted normally until I wrote a waiver of medicines, for 10-We Were Discharged a day Later.Inna Staravoitova, the head of the department, did not pay attention to the fact that the Drugs did not Suit me, they "killed the immune system" Even more.I have no complaints about the nurses, they tried, supported and were very attentive.I do not recommend observation, Head of the Department.Replace it with a more sensible one!
Место куда хочется вернуться! 28 декабря делали кесарево. Все прошло на высшем уровне, доктора поддерживали, настраивали что б не волновалась. Как ни странно, но было приятно находится на операционном столе. После операции перевели в реанимацию и там было столько заботы и внимания что просто не хотелось уходить. Великие люди работают в этом месте. Дай бог здоровья и процветания. Благодаря таким роддомам можно легко увеличить рождаемость в стране.