I would like to express my gratitude to the entire urological department of the State Medical Institution "GGKBSMP" for their professionalism, integrity and kind human attitude. He complained about kidney function, was quickly examined, the cause was determined and ways of further treatment were determined. I would like to sincerely thank the head of the department, Alexander Ivanovich Prezov, for his human attitude, friendly and professional approach, sensitive and attentive attitude. The operation was performed by a surgeon - Kovalevskaya Polina Ilyinichna. My low bow to her for giving me back my lost health, the joy of life, faith in myself and in talented people. I consider you a brilliant specialist who deserves the highest awards, the greatest appreciation and all the best in this life. Thank you for your care and concern. To all the nurses, nurses and all the medical staff of the department, thank you very much. Thank you for your sensitivity, attention, understanding ..... for your smiles, kindness, for your hard work in your difficult job.
Only a person who has the same three components: vocation, knowledge, continuous improvement, can live not only for the benefit of himself and his family, but also for a large number of others. And these three components are especially valuable for DOCTORS, in whom a person sees not only his salvation, but also the possibility of further full-fledged life.
A REAL DOCTOR understands the patient's complaints, adjusts him to be ready for recovery, uses all possible modern methods of examination and treatment.
And the patient hears the doctor, believes his conclusions, the treatment process and recommendations, which is important in the success of treatment.
Such qualities are possessed by the doctor of the 1st surgical department of BSMP ARTYUSHKOV EVGENY LEONIDOVICH.
I bow low to him, great human gratitude and wish him GREAT PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS!
Patients Koval Galina Sergeevna and Danilova Natalia Andreevna.
Maybe, of course, I was so unlucky. But it's a terrible experience. With a pressure of 160, they were brought to the emergency room around midnight. After 45 minutes of waiting in the lobby, no one came up. I went to the resident's room myself and went to the doctor, who was sitting on the couch on the phone. He immediately went with me to the exam room. I measured the pressure. 180. They were placed in a short-term stay ward. There are 3 beds, separated from each other by curtains, and a nurse on duty. And this nurse opened my vein three times, which was very clearly visible in me before. I was going to make the 4th attempt already. I asked for another nurse. Another one came and immediately put me on an IV. My torn veins healed for almost a month afterwards. The nurse did not feel guilty, but on the contrary, offended and showed her irritation with her whole appearance. After 1.5 hours of IV, I felt bad again. She asked me to take my blood pressure. The nurse said that there was no blood pressure monitor in it, and my doctor was no longer there (he went to bed). I found a female doctor in the resident's room and asked her to measure it. She was yelling at me that I wasn't her patient. But she still measured my blood pressure, ran to the ward and prescribed me medications that are contraindicated for my concomitant diseases. Instead of a nurse, a nurse came, called my doctor, went to the resident's room for a blood pressure monitor. 160. He called again. The doctor told me to give me a pill Moxonidine, which I take at home myself to reduce blood pressure. It was 6 a.m. The pressure began to decrease. At 8 the doctor came, issued me a discharge and I went home. That's the kind of help. I can no longer write about how the staff treated the homeless in the next room, what happened before my eyes. People were locked up, watched through a monitor (which stands in the ward where I was lying for 2 more patients), were not allowed to go to the toilet, insulted and let them out on the street at exactly 6 o'clock in the morning. A beautiful new building and terrible treatment of patients. I didn't write a complaint because my doctor was very polite and I didn't have the strength at all.
The old buildings were left without repair. The new case is very comfortable. There is a coffee machine in the lobby (a nice bonus). A well-maintained hospital territory. Benches, gazebos. And the doctors - bow low to them for their work!
The new building pleased me. Spacious hall, wide corridors. Modern wards. However, when you move into the main building, you move into the past like a time machine. The corridors are narrower, the walls are getting older. However, the new building pleased me.
They were brought to the gynecological department on the 2nd floor with uterine bleeding, curettage was scheduled for 14 o'clock, and I was admitted about 9 in the morning and none of the medical staff even came up to measure my blood pressure or find out how I felt, and the same attitude was after curettage, no one even asked me how I was feeling, the pressure was not measured from the word nothing... Even if he had gone somewhere... They wouldn't have remembered you.... Another such moment occurred, she asked how to write a statement, the nurse began to dictate to me quickly, to which I replied to her, the woman I do not have time to talk with bleeding and the head does not think so quickly, to which she replied to me, are you bleeding?? You don't look like you're even faster than me, although I didn't run but sat, I'm not going to stand here, I have a lot of work, fortunately there was a woman who helped. Therefore, I did not notice anything but rudeness and indifference. This is terrible!
They brought me by ambulance, thanks to both the ambulance crew and the doctors who took part in my examination and further recommendations.There is a lot of rudeness in the world now, so many thanks to doctors, registrars and all specialists who do their job professionally.Participation with a capital letter, as this is the emotion that is expressed in the profession of doctors!
The updated cortus of the emergency room looks decent. It is light, clean, modern, nothing superfluous (there is a coffee machine, a cooking shop). I hope the doctors are providing the same level of assistance.
I was injured- there were no changes or repairs) the help was provided professionally... however, it was necessary to wait in line
On 12/06/24, an ambulance brought me to this hospital at night during a hypertensive crisis, the second one of the day, while I was driving, the pressure was lowered with medications, but I still felt very bad, the doctor said at the reception that there were no grounds for hospitalization and I had to go home alone at night in a bad condition!a terrible attitude towards a sick person!
With a huge workload, the whole team tries to work conscientiously. After modernization and repair, it became much more convenient. The doctors at the hospital are highly professional. Good health to all.
Recently, I had to take my wife to the surgical department late at night.
The medical staff received him very well, and the head of the department treated him at the day hospital.
Many thanks to everyone who treats our people!
The staff works clearly, quickly, professionally. Of course, the old building does not even require cosmetic repairs, but this does not detract from the skill level of doctors and medical staff.
After the reconstruction, it became just perfect. Like in movies like 911. All research is fast. Doctors examine you quickly too. Great respect to BSMP.
I had a chance to be a guest of this healthcare institution. Professionals in their field work. Respect and gratitude to the medical staff. More than one family member has been to this hospital and has no complaints.
On 13.11.24, we contacted the tram station. My wife has fluid in her knee joint. By evening, the pain worsened. The doctor said there was nothing he could do to help. Whoever has put diognosis, let him treat it. That's the kind of medicine we have. I will write to gorzdav.
I, Nina Vladimirovna Bukrey, would like to thank all the doctors, nurses and nurses of the traumatology department of the Gomel Medical Hospital for their hard work, for their endurance, patience and good attitude towards patients. I was admitted to the department with a leg injury in the evening, but despite the late time, I urgently received qualified medical care (blood test, cardiogram, snapshot of a broken leg, surgery, etc.). After the operation, because we are not all walkers, thanks to the nurses, they will support us with a smile, take us to the dressing, make the bed and wash diapers and pots - it's hard work! Thank you that they have enough endurance and patience. I am very grateful to the staff of the trauma department and I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! I wish you in the coming year to increase peace, love and kindness in your life. May all your dreams and desires come true on New Year's Eve. I wish you grateful patients and less stress in your everyday life. Be healthy and happy!
Самая негативная больница в Гомеле. В туалетах на заправках намного чище и приятней чем в больнице. (Даже в новом корпусе). За время пребывания в БСМП 8дней поменялось 3 лечащих врача, у каждого свое мнение и методика лечения, кошмар. один нормальный доктор и та ушла в отпуск. В душе помыться сложно, нужно быть акробатом, кабина 1метр на 1метр, дождик не съемный, на жосткой металлической трубе. Человеку с ростом 175 нужно согнуться чтобы зайти под душ. Навешен на малой высоте, а находится в женском туалете.
Из 8дней пребывания 3 дня не было горячей воды. В мужском туалете 6 дней не было холодной воды, ходили в женский.
Кровати старые. У меня была с огромной дырой в пружинах закрытая фанерой, которая постоянно съезжала.
Кормёжка как везде.
И один огромный минус - нет аптеки ни рядом ни на территории.
Отношение к больным хорошее, ничего из ряда вон не заметил.
Напротив приёмного отделения неплохой магазин. Цены приемлемы. На территории буфет.
I would like to express my gratitude to the urologist Stepantsov I.N.!!!A doctor who knows his business, as well as a person who knows how to find an approach to the patient and provide high-quality medical care! I would like such specialists to be encouraged and appreciated, because they are an example for young professionals!Sincerely, A.K. Pupkova
Персонал весь омолодили, в большей части больницы сделали настоящий капитальный ремонт. Палаты реально удобные, комфортабельные. В каждом блоке есть огромный туалет для людей с ограниченными возможностями, санузел в туалете и коридоре, отдельная душевая, в каждой палате удобные кровати, холодильник, кнопка вызова,куча розеток для зарядки гаджетов и т.д. К сожалению только в новые операционные до сих пор всё оборудование не привезли из Европы. Специалисты разные, т.к. не могут быть все самородки в одной больнице города, есть Радиологический центр, областная больница, кардиологический центр и т.д. где работают медики высшей категории. В больнице скорой помощи всегда делали больше всех операций в былые годы, сейчас примерно выровнялись.
Excellent specialists, at least traumatologists. The staff is attentive, but very busy. The quality of treatment could not be assessed, as citizens of the Russian Federation. But they say they treat well. The wards are small, there are 4 people each. The ambulance staff are good as people and as medical professionals. There is a small buffet on site. There is a grocery store opposite. We went to the pharmacy to the Comintern factory because we needed to buy underwear. There is little parking, considering that there is also a mountain park nearby.
Проходила обследование МРТ. Боялась делать,но сотрудники диагностики своим вежливым и доброжелательным отношением развеяли страх. Всё рассказали и объяснили. Процедура прошла быстро. Спасибо за понимание персоналу.
Хочу сказать огромное спасибо лаборанту Зуеву Николаю, Сенчук Галине, Семенцовой Ирине!
Спасибо Вам большое :)
Попала в БСМП 12.11.2022, с замершей беременностью, ребенок был очень долгожданный.
При поступлении увидела шикарную приемную, с супер крутым ремонтом, все чисто и комфортно, приняли достаточно быстро.
Но попав в само отделение начался какой-то кашмар! Палаты забиты до такой степени что дышать нечем, врачам и почти всем медсестрам нет никакого дела до тебя, что ты и как ты, никто ничего не обьясняет и не говорит! Пока ты сама не подойдешь у врача и не спросишь. А медсестры выносят свои какие то вердикты, может вам уже то ненужно и это . Спрашивается, ты кто? Врач?
А о сочувствии и речи идти не может.
Геникологическое отделение и кардиалогию отделяет лишь ширма.
Лежа в геникологическом отделении в так называемом душе вешают замок, спасибо что есть бедэ.
Еда лично мне не понравилась.
Осматривали на кресле, заведующая (очень аккуратно посмотрела) и молодая врач (нажимала на живот как неизвестно на что) из всего персонала в смену есть 2-3 человека которые относятся по человечески и поднимают настроения какими-то незначительными разговорами и помощью.
Должны вроде как слелать узи, но опять же таки, никто ничего не говорит. Хочется сбежать отсюда, и никогда больше не возвращаться!
The review is fresh. Mom was discharged from the injury today. Well, what can I say. The repairs were done, but the attitude towards people remained straight sovkovoe. The only nice people turned out to be the cleaner who was mopping the floor at the time of our admission and the girl in the waiting room. That's all. Mom was slightly shocked by the attitude of the nurse in the trauma room on the 3rd floor. She even tried to yell at her for asking her to measure her blood pressure. How's that?? What kind of attitude is this towards people? They didn't come to your house.
There are both very polite, tactful doctors and boorish ones.In general, the waiting area is well organized, there is a buffet and coffee machines, comfortable armchairs.
Gynecology. The appearance is 9/10, the ratio of the average medical staff is 9/10, the food is 9/10. In a 4-bed ward 61 - 5 beds, the temperature is 30. Get ready to be cooked. And again Ignatova TI. - It's time for you to take a well-deserved rest. He doesn't talk to patients at all. It is necessary to achieve at least some information about yourself, your beloved, with a fight. He writes out without any recommendations, simply poking at you with discharge documents and reproaching you with a plate of soup for the state 3 rubles. I just want to call the City Health Service and ask where to pay for them.
On September 19, 2023, a woman was admitted to the therapeutic department, ward 10.It was Saturday, but the doctor on duty came quickly, examined and prescribed treatment. They put an IV. The woman was so ill that she could not lie down, plus fluid was constantly leaking out of her leg. At the time of the IV, I came to visit her and clarify a number of questions. The dropper fell out of the vein and the fluid went under the skin, a nurse was invited, who began to make claims to the patient why she was not holding the dropper and said that next time she would POUR the DROPPER INTO HER MOUTH. I was shocked.
Then the nurse appeared and AGAIN claims why the woman does not clean up the liquid that flows out of the leg.
In the evening, a woman called me and asked me to bring bandages, there are NO BANDAGES in the HOSPITAL. Where???? I bought bandages, but it was too late. On the night of the 20th, the woman fell into a coma and died a few days later.
Junior medical staff, if you hate patients, why are you working? After all, this is not "bad medicine", this is you and me, this is our attitude to each other.
Thanks to our doctors. I brought my mother, met her at the entrance to the reception, immediately sent her to the doctor, did all the tests and examinations in a short time... I want to note that everything was very cultured and dignified, and for FREE. Thank you.
The reception room is after a cap repair, but this is, as they say, the facade, that is, "lips were painted" inside in the chambers of the remnants of luxury of the USSR, shabby walls, torn linoleum and a washbasin with a running faucet. After this year, they brought their household to the doctor's direction for treatment, they did all sorts of tests, then they "danced around" for 3 hours, as a result, they sent them to another hospital, they also took a bunch of tests and after 3 hours they fired them home, they said they were healthy and we were not alone.Therefore, I have doubts about the qualifications of the doctors of the Gomel clinical emergency hospital
Был привезен на скорой с почечной коликой. С момента звонка в скорую, до момента когда лежал в палате после УЗИ и прочих анализов и обследований, обколотый разным прошло два часа. Довольно неплохо. Персонал вежливый, на сколько можно, пытается вам помочь и в силу умений вылечить. Я лежал в новом корпусе, в трёхместной палате, куда запихнули пять коек. В прочем, это ни как не напрягало. Боксы на несколько палат с туалетом, холодильником и душем. Лекарства отечественные, но не помер и ладно, даже выздоровел! Никаких денег и взяток. Спасибо! Еда, не ресторан, но и с голода и от изжоги не умрёшь, дают добавку! Каши - размазни, даже полезно, хоть не вкусно, а что вы хотели на диете? ;-) Котлеты тоже есть, хоть и не вкусные. Еды достаточно, можно прекрасно жить и поправляться без передач из дома. Какао - привет из Советского Союза, такой сладкой липкой дряни я давно не пил. :-)
My friend was kicked out of genicology, although her stomach hurt so much that she lost consciousness.As a result, she was operated on at hospital number 2 and was told that T.V. Goremykina (head of genicology) had brought her almost to peretonitis.I do not recommend this doctor to anyone.God forbid you get to Goremykina T.V..She also prevented her subordinates from working.The rest of the doctors are normal.They try to help, but they are afraid to make decisions without a supervisor.And the manager behaves like a judge, you can't argue with that.The rest of the doctors are smart, but learn to defend your opinion, and not run after the Gestapo Goremykina.
I am proud of the new building, the level of organization of the staff, as in the series, the help was provided professionally and without delay. The doctors did well!!!
Недавно попал в эту больничку. Шёл камень из почки. "Удовольствие" ещё то, кто знает поймёт. На счастье попал в новый корпус, новое оборудование и тд и тп. Огромная благодарность персоналу, девочки умницы и обезболят и проклизмят если надо. Очень внимательный медперсонал, от зав. отделения до поварих и уборщиц. Выписываюсь с чувством огромной благодарности. Дай вам Бог терпения и зарплаты хорошей. СПАСИБО!!!
It 's very bad . As there was a bad attitude and a shortage of staff , so everything remained . They brought my grandmother, waited in the receiver for a day, and discharged her in the morning! The condition has not improved much! They are also discharged from there with an unstable condition!
For my last visit, I will say this. The staff has changed a lot. Sometimes you don't recognize the hospital after the repairs are done. Also a lot of new equipment has been added. Doctors treat patients well. They feed well.
But... This is not a resort. It's better not to get into such places. Be healthy!
Ошеломляющий сервис потоком , первый опыт в Жизни! ( даже и в сравнении с зарубежным) такого четкого быстрого , отложенного до автоматизма. Без длительных сидений в коридоре ! Очень слаженная работа персонала! За несколько часов полный осмотр , анализы , узи , исследования. Браво персоналу , руководству и замечательной больнице!Современно, тепло и чисто . Рада , что в Беларуси есть такое место , которое можно ставить в пример и переполняться чувством гордости!
Thanks to the new building, which has transformed the hospital as a whole-the range of servants, their quality and comfort level have dramatically become an order of magnitude higher and better, I am pleasantly surprised
Работают отличные специалисты, но не все. В новом корпусе все на высоком уровне. Зав. травмотологией и зав. урологией суперспециалисты. В диагностическом отделении много специалистов.
Отличная больница! Приехали из России на выходные, на второй день сестре стало плохо ( мигрень). Сильно болела голова и тошнило. Купили в аптеке нужные уколы и поехали в больницу. Нас там ждали-настоящие специалисты, очень вежливые сотрудники, комфортные условия и конечно же вовремя оказанная медицинская помощь. Спасибо вам большое!
The most terrible hospital in the city. My dad died in the intensive care unit, and my friend's grandfather, my friend's mom, also died there. I want to note that two days ago my father had a stable condition and he got better. It feels like all this is happening because of the negligence of the staff. One-way ticket
The repair was done carelessly in the wards, and in the corridors in the old buildings it's just creepy that they just heard about new painting and plaster, but they didn't do it... But the staff is good and responsible
Great new building. After the old one, it was like being in another country. Within half an hour, an examination, tests, ultrasound and a verdict. The medical staff is attentive and professional. 5 points
По стечению обстоятельств в течении месяца пришлось ходить в больницу,отношением персонала довольна.только неприятный осадок остался от грубости,при сдаче крови на первом этаже ,приемного покоя .поступила 26 февраля с укусом животного,девушка бравшая анализ крови видно посчитала ,что я к ней в гости без приглашения притащилась..в остальном благодарна травматологии,примному покою
За всю больницу не скажу, посещала травмпункт в связи с травмой пальца руки. Пришла, возле кабинета сидели 4 таких же травмированых. Очень оперативно все были осмотрены и сделаны снимки в соседнем рентген кабинете. . Даже не успела опомниться, а уже моя очередь подошла. Быстрый осмотр, снимок, вердикт, назначения. Также в кабинете находился дядя милиционер. Видать, для приёма заявлений от граждан, снимающих побои. Записали, как произошла травма, при каких обстоятельствах и т.п. Никому не желаю оказаться в подобных местах, но этому травмпункту ставлю 5.