We have been regular customers since 2018. We recorded voice greetings for kindergartens, radio clips and the voiceover of a corporate film for the anniversary of the company.
Very high quality and efficiency of work!
A large number of announcer voices and musical backgrounds allows you to choose the one that suits us.
We will continue to work!
A very high-quality audio greeting was recorded for the company. Clear and clear sound. There are no problems. Provide a wide selection of pleasant recording voices. They execute the order quickly and on time. Well done!
With gratitude to the professionals of their field. I contacted the company twice to record the voice greeting of my restaurant. Both times, the staff responded to my requests as quickly and sociably as possible.
An excellent choice of speakers, everything is customer-oriented and understandable. I am satisfied with the work, and I will continue to use the services of this company.
My best recommendations.
Andrey. Saint-Petersburg.