Delicious homemade breakfast. A cozy area with a barbecue, a campfire and a cute red cat☺ There is also a common room with a fireplace, which is very conducive to long conversations over a glass of wine The place is developing, there will be more accommodation facilities in the future.
Of the cons: it was not very comfortable to be in the sphere in October, because of the noisy air conditioner and small forest animals that climbed inside, but they were harmless. It is better to choose a room, they are smaller, but they are warmer and more comfortable to be in.
The road is being made, it was dirty, you can't do without boots.
The rest was ruined. We waited with such anticipation, arrived late, could not immediately appreciate all the delights of the place, but the adventures began immediately. There was no hot water in the shower, they took turns draining it, but they did not wait. There were five of us adults, the bed in the photo was full, it turned out to be a cot with a mini mattress. On the second floor there are not hewn boards both on the floor and on the railing and near the bed. The linen is smaller in size than the mattress, of course, everything was twisted by morning. In the morning we decided to admire the view- we saw a dirty film that had not been washed since the installation of the dome, going out onto the veranda we were stunned at what it stands on crooked sticks, I can't call it piles, there is a dump of unnecessary things under the piles, the dome is installed without observing any technologies. . In general, if you value your health, I do not advise you to spend the night here. Run away.