The market is super but too noisy, I think that people do not need to impose things on anyone who needs to buy something will buy it anyway, and so in general the assortment is a great choice too
When I visited the market for the first time, I was shocked. The food is open, the dust is flying, all the goods are dry. Sellers do not use gloves. They touch everything with their bare hands . I don't want to buy anything there. Complete UNSANITARY CONDITIONS. Where are all the specialized people who need to control this? Much remains to be desired. I put one star for a large assortment.
Better than it was 10 years before. Everything is laid out correctly. Separate blocks of clothing trade. Separate blocks of product lines. Huge parking lot on several sides. The prices are the lowest.
Gijduvon bozori Buxoro viloyatidagi eng katta bozordir. Savdogarlar eng sifatli maxsulotlarni tavsiya qilishadi. Bozor yonida avto turargoh mavjud. Turli shaharlardan qishloqlardan haridorlar kelishadi
Everything you want to eat, you can find and buy, things, products, cafes and restaurants, salon and shops, you can find everything, a wonderful market