I graduated back in 2006, and my memories were exceptionally good, although I had enough of everything. Larisa Mikhailovna, the then director of Apalinskaya, called our graduation almost the worst in the history of the gymnasium, but it was clearly said in her heart. And most of the guys had a good life, especially those who left. I was a little upset that the message from the graduates of 1979 was painted over - after all, the continuity of generations should not be interrupted. By the way, my mother graduated from this educational institution in 1978 (then it was school 93), and Dima Mankevich was her classmate.
PS. It's been almost 20 years since I graduated from this school, and most likely my homeroom teacher, Sergey Ivanovich Artamonov, is no longer working, and Lyudmila Alexandrovna Grevtseva, a German teacher, has most likely retired. The last time I saw them was in 2018, when it was still possible to go to school and visit the teachers. But I was pleasantly surprised to see Olga Borisovna Gorenkova, who was my homeroom teacher in elementary school from about 2nd to 4th grade, in the new schedule. I know that she worked in other schools for a long time, and recently returned. If the administration is reading this review, please send greetings from Oleg Alkhimovich from the "B" class. We remember you with warmth.
There is room to grow.
My daughter studies at this gymnasium.
So far, I haven't regretted for a second that I gave it there. The modeling teacher is wonderful, the teachers on the extension are wonderful, our teacher Olga B. is above all praise.
There are disadvantages everywhere, but the advantages are much more important. The child goes to school with great pleasure.
There are no questions for the staff at all, only it is cold at work on the ground floor.