Стильные, выдержанные тона фасадов из ясеня, самое современное наполнение шкафов, оригинальные навесные столы, придающие кухне лёгкость и изящество, - всё делает Маринару лидером среди кухонь в классе модерн.
3100 Br1 m
Набор мебели для кухни "Альп"
Альп - это современная кухня, в которой в качестве фасада использованы плиты МДФ и ДСП, облицованные натуральными (шпон дуба и ясеня) или искусственными материалами (Fenix NTM, Skin, Syncron, акриловые фасады Senosan).
2500 Br1 m
Набор мебели для кухни "Арли"
Эту модель можно представить, как яркий образец неоклассицизма: с декоративным коробом, благородными витринами и карнизом, а можно - в виде лаконичной композиции со строгими линиями в стиле contemporary.
3300 Br1 m
Набор мебели для кухни "Калипсо"
Кухня Калипсо от Геос Идеал – это невероятное разнообразие материалов фасада (дуб, ясень, панели FENIX, BRILLIANT, CRYSTAL), использование системы Gola-профиля, яркие цветовые акценты открытых ниш. Калипсо – это синтез технологии и эстетики. От ид...
2800 Br1 m
Набор мебели для кухни "Фьюджи"
Фьюджи - это архитектурная кухня, вдохновленная чувственностью японского мастерства. Особенность дизайна - планировочный подход, заключающийся в наличии акцентированных ребер, ручек из цельного дерева и решетчатых витрин. В результ ате формируется ...
2900 Br1 m
Набор мебели для кухни "Симона"
Симону можно отнести к стилю кантри, но это не простой деревенский стиль. В переплётах стеклянных дверей может играть гранями фацетированное стекло, либо проступать растительный дизайн шелкографии. Фрезеровка дверей из массива ясеня, подчёркнутая ...
Payment method:installment, cashless payment, online, making a loan
Promotions:discounts, promotions, special offers, gifts
Type of furniture:custom made for the kitchen, custom made for the living room, custom made for the bathroom, dressers, wardrobes, bedside tables, from solid wood
When choosing furniture for the dining room, we paid attention to the brand "Geos Ideal". I really wanted solid wood furniture in the Provence style. We visited the Mainland shopping center, where, when meeting with Andrey, we looked at two options. It didn't take long to choose. We were also offered a color to match our style. Pleasant communication and a professional approach to the consultant's business determined our final choice. The room was still under renovation. We were worried that the dimensions of the furniture in height might not come together due to the fact that the builders had not yet finished with the floors, stretch ceiling, tiles on the wall. But despite this, with the help of additional measurements and calculations, as well as interaction and consultation with the builders on Andrey's part, the furniture fit perfectly. I would also like to note the good work of the collector. After almost two years, there are no complaints about furniture and fittings. The furniture looks harmonious and over time has not become something ordinary, but always looks fresh.
Great guys, in fact, you haven't seen many professionals who know their business lately. Not only do they make cool furniture, they also clearly understand how you move around the kitchen, zone it correctly, choose the right mechanisms that will be convenient to use and after they are installed, you enjoy how it all works. Unequivocal respect and respect, guys. Keep it up, don't lower your skill level.
Great salon! Polite and knowledgeable Andrey. First, we ordered a kitchen. Everything was delivered on time when it was convenient for us. The quality is excellent. A year later, they ordered a living room and a living room. I had specific desires and requirements. Designer Andrey took everything into account and offered options. It worked great, thanks! The projects are super! We are happy with the purchase and assembly (assembled by Dmitry). We recommend it!