I got into this institution on insurance in connection with an emergency condition (AF). Doctors and honey.the staff is very pleasant, sociable and attentive. According to the scheme, they pumped a drip, took a minimum of tests, and also did an echocardiogram, and a day later I checked out myself. Everything is very clean inside and in the tents as a hotel mini-kits (shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, toothbrush, paste and comb) wipes are dry and wet for your needs. The food is good and full in addition, fruits and tea were given 3 times a day.
They were admitted to the hospital on insurance. They were admitted quickly, transferred to an individual ward. The ward has everything: a bathroom with a shower, a sofa for an escort, a table, a sink, cabinets, in general a mini studio with a comfortable bed. Everything is very convenient. A nurse comes in every 30 minutes and if necessary, press the button for 2-3 minutes. One minus ultrasound was expected for more than 5 hours.