I bought a trunk lock activator for a Toyota Yaris, 2003 for 68 rubles. It was only enough for 1 month and the activator broke, the warranty is 14 days. Very cool! The quality is appropriate.
The goods were sent by parcel post. The seller did not put the documents for the goods in the box. The product turned out to be from Aliexpress. Although they said that the same information was indicated on the website from Poland. You can't take the seller's word for it. In response to the claim, they wrote that they could have put an empty box, that they were not obliged to send documents for the goods, that no one forced them to buy from them. No apologies were offered. I do not recommend this store and this seller, namely: sites Garaj.by , an ad on bamber.by . IP Vishnevsky Dmitry Fedorovich. Be careful when ordering goods via the Internet, which is delivered by cash on delivery, because you can run into the same irresponsible seller.