Вкусно. Легко. Постно!
• Гречневая каша с печеными овощами
• Закуска с сальсой и креветками
• Закуска с сальсой и тортильей
• Зеленый салат ...
March 10, 07:15
Понедельник в GARAGE - особенный день для любителей итальянской кухни: каждая вторая порция пасты в подарок. Платите за одну, а получайте дв...
February 13, 06:42
Во вторник вы можете насладиться двумя разными пиццами по цене одной, ведь каждая вторая пицца в подарок!
• каждая вторая пицца ...
February 13, 06:41
Среда в GARAGE для настоящих почитателей национальных блюд, ведь каждая вторая порция драников в подарок! Это прекрасная возможность попробо...
February 13, 06:40
В воскресенье приходите в GARAGE с детьми и получите в ПОДАРОК любое блюдо из Детского меню к каждому заказанному блюду из меню Завтрак или ...
February 13, 06:38
All news (8)
Updated: March 8
Салат Цезарь с креветками M
21.6 Br220 g
Салат Цезарь с курицей XL
Легкий салат из нежной куриной грудки, листьев салата и спелых томатов черри под соусом цезарь. В дополнение идут хрустящие гренки и сыр пармезан
21.6 Br300 g
Борщ с закуской из сала
Классический наваристый красный борщ с рваной свининой и нежной сметаной. Подаем с закуской из деревенского сала, приправленного луком и тмином на хрустящих бородинских гренках
11.6 Br350 g
Бульон куриный лайт
Легкий бульон с нежным куриным филе, отварным яйцом и зеленью
7.6 Br290 g
Том ям с морепродуктами
Тайский суп, сочетающий пряные и кисло-сладкие ноты
17.6 Br400 g
Драники с домашней колбаской, грудинкой и грибной мачанкой
23.7 Br420 g
Драники со сметаной
Нежные картофельные оладьи с румяной хрустящей корочкой
Very surprising finding in Brest ! A lot bigger on the inside than you first imagine. The quality of the food is very good . Great menu selection.At not bad price for the city centre. Can certainly recommend it for lunch.
A great place, I was with my family on Sunday, my son had a birthday, we just went to see, because we purposefully went to another cafe and.... the choice was made on this!!! Excellent cafe: the interior is wonderful, modern, creative, many halls and seating areas. There is a play area for kids, the only thing, in my opinion, is that they did not think through the wardrobe area!!! It's a little uncomfortable to take your things off the hangers (take off and put on outerwear) where the waiters are scurrying!!! But this is the only negative that I noticed! Further.... Very polite waiters, we were served by Daniel, a very nice young man! He answered all the questions, advised about the dishes. A pleasant moment that impressed me: I asked my son about his birthday (we just went in about it) and after a while, unexpectedly, the waiter Daniel brought a little surprise for the birthday boy, a piece of cake with a lit candle, with congratulations from the institution in honor of the birthday! It turned out very cool! Further... the cuisine is wonderful, the choice of dishes is impressive, for all categories of people there is a large selection of salads, pizzas, burgers, and snacks, a huge selection of drinks (cocktails, coffee, but also a choice of alcohol). And most importantly - VERY tasty food!!! Many thanks to the chef and chefs for the quality and aesthetics of cooking!!! Yes, by the way, we were sitting near the kitchen itself and did not feel at all that the kitchen was behind the wall (no smells, no conversations, no rattling dishes, absolutely NOTHING), nothing and no one interfered with communication!!! We will return to this institution more than once!!! I recommend it to everyone!!! Come and you will not regret to get a portion of taste sensations and a pleasant pastime with your family and friends!!!!
Let's start with the good stuff. The interior is great. the staff is polite. That's all about the good stuff. Now the disadvantages. Since it was Sunday, we put 2 stars. The waiter had to be caught by the hand to take the order. The waiting time for the dishes is more than an hour. The hodgepodge was served cold, Coffee was served cold for 25 minutes. Of the disadvantages, cooking is broadcast on TV in the hall under the name of the institution. You want to try it right away, but the waiter is sorry, it's just a video from the Internet.
I hope the guys just opened up and didn't recruit a team. And in the future, everything will be fine, I recommend this institution, despite the lack of improvements.