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Крем суп из тыквы с креветками
Салат с печеной тыквой и грудинкой
Куриное фи...
November 15, 10:38
Понедельник в GARAGE - особенный день для любителей итальянской кухни: каждая вторая порция пасты в подарок. Платите за одну, а получайте дв...
July 18, 06:59
All news (8)
Updated: December 2
Борщ с закуской из сала
Классический наваристый красный борщ с рваной свининой и нежной сметаной. Подаем с закуской из деревенского сала, приправленного луком и тмином на хрустящих бородинских гренках
11.6 Br350 g
Бульон куриный лайт
Легкий бульон с нежным куриным филе, отварным яйцом и зеленью
7.6 Br290 g
Солянка Garage
11.6 Br280 g
Паста Карбонара
15.7 Br280 g
Драники со сметаной
Нежные картофельные оладьи с румяной хрустящей корочкой
A good restaurant, almost fast food, the kitchen cooks mainly by defrosting semi-finished products, the pancakes are not delicious, but everything else is fine to eat. The waiting time depends on the change of chefs and waiters, sometimes the order will be brought in 10 minutes, and even if they waited 40 minutes, it is always different. At the end there is a children's maze where children really like to play, but when their crowd gathers it can be very noisy, I advise children
The food is insanely delicious, the service is excellent, the staff are all very friendly, I often order hot dishes and snacks, everything is at the highest level, fast cooking and everything is hot when I pick it up, thank you for your work!
We like to go to the garage with our friends after shopping, we came, ordered a salad, a bumble, a coke, two pizzas for the 1+1 promotion. Everything was fine, the salads were delicious (caesar with bacon and caesar with shrimp) and the pizza was not bad either. In the middle of the pizzas, they were already tired of eating, they were just talking and I accidentally noticed the side of the pizza, which I cut with a knife and a hair rushed into my eyes (either from the pubis, or hands, I do not know). The appetite disappeared at the same second, the waitress was called (she, by the way, is very good, there are no questions for her), in turn she called the administrator, who apologized, took the sides of the pizza and said that he would remove the pizza from the receipt. They offered coffee/tea with us, but we politely declined. As a result, the pizza in which there was a hair was deleted in the receipt, but this did not solve any role in the end, because the pizza was for the promotion, therefore, it was necessary to delete the promotion itself. They brought two croissants, which we also refused, paid off and left. The problem, I think, has not been solved, because it was stupid to remove essentially free pizza (the cheese side could be left in the bill), drinks, salads, but not the promotion) no more foot in this institution, no impressions.