Легкий салат из нежной куриной грудки, листьев салата и спелых томатов черри под соусом цезарь. В дополнение идут хрустящие гренки и сыр пармезан
21.6 Br300 g
Борщ с закуской из сала
Классический наваристый красный борщ с рваной свининой и нежной сметаной. Подаем с закуской из деревенского сала, приправленного луком и тмином на хрустящих бородинских гренках
11.6 Br350 g
Бульон куриный лайт
Легкий бульон с нежным куриным филе, отварным яйцом и зеленью
7.6 Br290 g
Солянка Garage
11.6 Br280 g
Суп куриный с бриошь
Наваристый бульон с сочным куриным филе, отварным яйцом и лапшой. Подаем с нежной булочкой бриошь
11.6 Br340 g
Драники с цыпленком и грибным соусом
21.7 Br380 g
Налистники с домашним малиновым вареньем
Это лакомство подарит вам настоящее гастрономическое удовольствие. Нежные и тонкие блинчики с ярким вкусом домашнего малинового варенья — идеальный выбор для тех, кто ценит вкусную еду. Блюдо дополняют лёгкие нотки мяты и сладковатый привкус сахарной
8.9 Br204 g
Нежные картофельные оладьи с румяной хрустящей корочкой
A cozy place. The staff is always pleasant. Fast service. The dishes are delicious, fresh and match the description of the recipe. Often and carefully. A good place to have a meal and meet friends.
The quality of the food is excellent. A big request. Accelerate the return rate of the lunch and main menu because waiting 40 minutes for the order of the lunch menu and the main menu. There are 3 tables in the hall, waiting for any dish for an average of 40 minutes. It is very unpleasant to wait for an order for 40 minutes and eat faster because lunch time is not 2 hours, but 30-60 minutes.
There is no limit to indignation! We came with the children to a pizza-making workshop. It's a snake! UNSANITARY CONDITIONS! The children were given a table in the area where people walk (the entrance from the street, the entrance to the Car Park and the Garage between the halls). They brought all the dirty aprons, stained, and when asked if they had any normal clean ones, the answer was "we don't have time to wash them." What!?))) How so!!!! They don't know how to conduct MK. Unfortunately, they didn't teach me how to work with children, but the guy wasn't to blame for this - the cafe's management had failed. During cooking, they left us with the ingredients and told us that you would do it yourself, but you would come in and call. And again, the question is: what did we come for? I can pick up the kids at home and cook pizza myself. But the "cherry" of MK was that while working with the test, a cleaner drove around us!!!!! Kaaak!??? THE SUBSTATION! Explain to the institution that this is not the norm!!!! They didn't leave just because the kids said they didn't want to go anywhere else. We believed that friendly staff and interactive interaction with children would smooth out all the incidents, but no. I wrote in the complaint book, after which the waiter looked at us as if we were to blame for a seemingly ruined event.