Вкусно. Легко. Постно!
• Гречневая каша с печеными овощами
• Закуска с сальсой и креветками
• Закуска с сальсой и тортильей
• Зеленый салат ...
March 10, 07:15
Понедельник в GARAGE - особенный день для любителей итальянской кухни: каждая вторая порция пасты в подарок. Платите за одну, а получайте дв...
February 13, 06:42
All news (7)
Updated yesterday
Драники со сметаной
Нежные картофельные оладьи с румяной хрустящей корочкой
12.7 Br280 g
Запечённые блины с курицей и грибами
Мягкое, нежное тесто блинов идеально сочетается с сочным жареным куриным филе, ароматными шампиньонами и хрустящим луком. Сливочный соус и сыр придают нежный вкус и хорошо дополняют блюдо. Свежая петрушка добавляет пряные нотки и украшает внешний вид
14.7 Br330 g
Налистники с домашним малиновым вареньем
Блинчики с малиновым вареньем в сочетании с сахарной пудрой создадут богатый вкус. Мята добавит блюду свежести
Very cozy and homey!!!! I was pleased with the service, the waiter girl was very attentive and cultured!!!! Very tasty and absolutely not expensive!!!!
Respect to the owner of this institution 👍💥
We were walking with our friends and decided to stop by for a meal, we were warmly welcomed
, we placed an order and literally in 8-10 minutes it was ready, after which the manager came and gave a pleasant compliment in the form of croissants, the waiter was very polite, he promptly brought and cleaned everything.
the food was simply excellent
, the pizza, pancakes and pasta are just great, we will come here more than once.
(please give the guys a bonus to Nikita and Lisa)))
Today's visit to this institution was simply shocking and left the most negative emotions. Walking with a family and a child, we went to have a snack, and immediately we were put inside like on a bus. After a few minutes, the waitress comes running in a panic that everything is reserved here and go to the terrace, well, OK. We made the simplest orders, both for ourselves and the child, for a short snack. But within 40 minutes they brought us only nuggets with potatoes, broth, coffee with a piece of halva and tea. When an hour had already passed, after the next 10 minutes I asked a question about our pancakes, pancakes and salad. To which I heard the answer that they forgot to warn us, Rich's banquet will start soon and the kitchen is busy with this, and our orders still need to wait 30 minutes. Oh no. We refused, asked for the bill, they brought us and wrote in a salad that was not brought to us and in general it is unclear why they entered it, I paid and noticed it later, turning to the waitress, she said nothing strange now they will quickly do and take it away. What is it? How is it? Return the money to me for this cost, and it turned out to be a quest for 10 minutes. It's just a lot of negative emotions.
It is not recommended for everyone to visit. They can cheat and enter left positions.