ABS прутки желтого цвета: треугольного сечения 1 м, плоского сечения 0,3 м
13.70 руб.
13.70 Br
ABS пруток плоский желтый шириной 25 мм 3 м/ 15 мм 3 м
ABS прутки желтого цвета: треугольного сечения (3,7х3,7х5,7мм) 7 м, плоского сечения (2х8мм) 3 м
73.40 Br
PA пруток треугольный черный 1м
В бухте пруток треугольного сечения 3,7х3,7х5,7мм черного цвета, 1 метр
39.20 Br
PC круглый прозрачный 5м
В бухте нить круглого сечения 3мм прозрачная, 5 метров
58.70 Br
Газовый паяльник Dremel Versatip 2000
Для заправки применяется газ бутан или пропано-бутановая смесь.
Паяльник DREMEL идеально подходит для плавки, запаивания, горячей резки, термоусадки, выжигания и удаления краски.
139.50 Br
Газ Kovea, упаковка (4 баллона)
Артикул fp60215
Баллон наполнен высокопроизводительной газовой изопропановой смесью составом: Изобутан 72%, Пропан 22%, Бутан 6%. Страна происхождения - Корея.
23.50 Br
Фреза коническая
Насадка усечённый конус для бормашинки с пневмо- и электроприводом. Материал насадки – быстрорежущая сталь HSS, форма рабочей части – конус с круглой. Диаметр посадочного места 3.2 мм
18.90 Br
Фреза бочонок
Насадка для бормашинки с пневмо- и электроприводом. Материал насадки – быстрорежущая сталь HSS, форма рабочей части – цилиндр
Hello, everyone! I rarely write negatives, but the case and my emotions are off the scale! My case is a bonal broken size, we contacted this company. The lantern was examined, put into operation, the production period was indicated 7-10 days. They showed examples of works that surprised with their quality. It's not even clear where the repairs were. They promised that only at a certain angle will the traces of cracks on your lantern be visible. Well, cool, what can I say. And you don't need to look for a lantern, and you can save money. It's been more than 16 days, we've been fed breakfast a couple of times, but here it is day X, they send photos of repairs and ... This is a fiasco! That's how he was practically and remained. They assured me on the phone that there are almost no cracks in the living room at all, it's just that the light is so good at the master above the desktop, everything is visible. All right, let's go pick it up! And here she is my lantern, I just fell into a precipitate. I ask, what is this? This is completely different from what you promised me. The master who carried out the repair says: "They say, when we opened it, we took off the tape, we didn't want to repair it at all. But they decided to feel sorry for me and took up the project. "Why, I ask, were you doing nonsense then. I was extremely reluctant to give money for such work. To which the master reasonably remarked: "Well, the master tried hard! "I went to the world, even though I understood that the job was done on the dump. According to the comments: all cracks are visible, up to one, streaks of glue inside the lantern. In summary, do not waste your time and money, the result will not surprise you. And the company would like to wish that your best masters, who came across to me, raise their level daily!We tried our hand at the used lanterns that were killed, and not at our expense. And we tried harder on projects.
I was very pleased with the result that the masters made. The headlight was glued perfectly, really almost nothing is noticeable. There was a crack along the entire length and a corner was broken off, everything was restored more than perfectly! They warned about the workload for a week, but they did it even faster than the specified period. I will contact you again.Thank you.