This is some kind of horror, I applied to fill out passport forms, as they say, so that everything was already filled out correctly, and then I was completely disappointed... When I came out, I started checking my full name, address, date of birth, I immediately found one mistake, well, okay, we are all people, we have redone it. I think well, everything seems to be normal, 4 forms, as the passport officer said, I gave the documents the next day I find out that not only is one of the documents completely wrong, there must be a list of arrival, which is not in sight, so also the reason for obtaining a passport in another form is not indicated correctly. Question: what did I give the money for?! I just threw it to the wind! I had to ask them to fill me out correctly. Therefore, my impressions of this service are negative, I don't know if I'm so unlucky, but the fact remains.