Бассейн на три дорожки. Дина: 25 м, ширина: 8.5 м, глубина: 1.5-1.7 м, вода: 26-28 °С, микроклимат: 28-30 °C. Мужские и женские раздевалки, раздельные душевые с санузлами. Во всех помещениях пол с подогревом.
12 Br
ФОК «ТЕХАС» в Бобруйске приглашает всех желающий с пользой провести время в оборудованном водно-термальном комплексе с полным набором спа-услуг: плавательный бассейн, финская сауна, турецкий хамам, ножные ванны, гидромассаж, контрастный душ.
12 Br
Зал спортивных игр
ФОК «ТЕХАС» предлагает спортивный зал для тренировок и проведения соревнований по игровым видам спорта. Просторный зал с высококачественным напольным покрытием, эффективными системами кондиционирования и вентиляции, мощным LED освещением.
60 Br
Тренажёрный зал
Фитнес-клуб GUM «ТЕХАС» в Бобруйске приглашает всех желающих на силовые и кардиотренировки. Современные тренажёры на все группы мышц: силовые и кардиотренажёры, армрестлинг, турники, брусья. Спортивный инвентарь: штанги, гантели, фитбол, степ.
10 Br
ФОК «ТЕХАС» предлагает оборудованный спортивный зал для индивидуальных и групповых занятий по фитнесу. В зале работают профессиональные инструкторы. На выбор программы занятий различной интенсивности в зависимости от возраста и уровня физподготовки.
I visit the gym in Texas. The gym is spacious, there are many exercise machines, and new ones have recently been installed. The only disadvantage in the gym is that there are very few gymnastic equipment. There are no gym poles, halakhups, rollers, not enough mats and large balls. Personally, I miss the gymnastic stairs. I make swings with my feet and have to hold on to the floor beams) There were some small questions to the technical staff, but after talking with the administrator, all the issues were resolved, which means that the management of the wellness complex hears its customers and goes to meet them. I can't say anything about the pool and saunas until I get there) But I read that they are improving the aqua zone. I give 5 stars and I think the most important indicator that the hall is good is the fact that I go there with a Socialist, and this is the other end of the city) Well done. Prosperity and development!
The complex is good, there is a large selection of sports activities for children and adults. Friendly staff. But the cleaner in the pool somehow takes on a lot, makes remarks, spoils the whole picture. But there are still moments... the pool is small. If you come from 17, there are 3 lanes with an influx of visitors and children are engaged in one of them. Only 2 tracks and the price is the highest. And now they have installed turnstiles, they keep track of time. There is no pleasure, you can't swim freely, and even run headlong to meet the time. I do not understand the price increase for example for children's swimming training groups. If you have set up different spa areas, it is clear that you pay more for it. But what has changed here, what is the basis for the increase in value. In general, I'm taking the child to the pool next to it now. In summer, it is difficult to stay indoors, there are not enough air conditioners.
It 's a great place.budget prices .helpful staff.large parking area .We liked it.there is a tennis court and a football hall, a clean swimming pool. In general, I recommend a good place.the prices are very affordable.I hope they won't raise it)