A wonderful place! The most cozy, most family-friendly, most homely theater and cinema school in Tashkent! I recommend it to anyone who is at least somewhat interested in cinema, theater, stage performances and art in general.
The best school for screenwriters, actors and film directors. The children are happy, creative thinking has appeared in the process of photo and video shooting. A great team of children and adults. There is a possibility of grant training.
If you ever dreamed of studying to be a screenwriter, cinematographer, director or actor, then you are definitely here! It will not be easy to enroll and study, but the quality of education is high, a cool team of teachers.
There is also acting for children and a children's film club.
We've been there a couple of times at the invitation of a friend who studies there. There's not much to say... since there is nothing to compare it with, I think it will be difficult to find the house itself without a map.
They chose Focus, considered it the best acting studio in Tashkent, according to positive reviews, as a result, they did not study enough, many people in the group were not happy, but they do not just write their reviews.
I especially "liked" the rudeness and tactlessness of the director, who recruited children into a free group
Super School, super teachers and give unusual and necessary knowledge to our children. Thank you very much to the Administration and teachers of the Focus School
They teach professions for cinematography here. The advantages are that honored cinema teachers in Uzbekistan teach the practice of their craft here. Also, a lot of foreign film directors, actors and many other professions related to cinema come here. There were such famous personalities as Vladimir Menshov, Vladimir Mashkov, Igor Zolotovitsky. The head of this school is Zulfikar Musakov himself, the film director of such cult films as Ablullazhon, Osmondagi bolalar, Lead, Rodina, Oyizhon and many others.
This is my second home. Very warm people have gathered and are working and studying in a completely fabulous environment. And most importantly, anyone who wants to create can do it here!))
The best film school in the Republic. The best lecturers are invited not only from the republic but also from abroad. If you want to become an actor, director, screenwriter, cinematographer, then go There!