Простой ресторан с морепродуктами. Интерьер простой, даже аскетичный. Обслуживаежние доброжелательное. Главное кухня, блюда простые, но вкусные, порции большие, цены нормальные.
I stopped by specifically after some kind of review on the Internet, hoping to enjoy some delicious fish. A bright negative is the persistent smell of fish in the room, and then the clothes smell too, which is unpleasant. I ordered fish in lavash, the lavash is unpleasantly greasy, it's superfluous, besides, if someone needs an additional oily taste, I could use the sauce.
It is a very pleasant place, on a summer evening you can perfectly sit under the trees, it will not be hot. The menu is good, there is grilled and deep-fried fish. I liked the grilled mullet!