Nice store, conveniently located...but I have a question - why is the assortment different in Firkan stores? For example, there is ciabatta in the center, but not in our 4 mkr! In 8 mkr.there are dried olives in 4 microns and not in the center! Sweets are also available in 4 mkr. there are not always those that I buy in others! Etc.
So you have to run all over the city to buy what you need - even though there are shops on every corner! We kindly ask you to pay attention to the assortment!
Great shopping center! Very good service, excellent staff, fresh food. There is always fresh meat in the meat department, we buy beef only there.conveniently located.
All FIRKAAN_s are worthy of 5 stars. A decent assortment for all types of products.. And in some cases, there is a round-the-clock sale of alcoholic beverages.