The impressions are only good. We came in and were greeted, ordered food, brought it without delay, asked to turn off the music- no problem, turned it off, wanted to say the prayer- please eat the prayer. Well done.
Болганыма бираз уакыт отип кетипти, енди жазып отырмын, катты унаганы каймакка куырылган куырдак болды, ал афган казанга куырылган курдак унамады, жануямен барып туски, немесе кошки ас ишип кайтуга болады.
Excellent polite staff, very tasty food. The place itself is very cozy. A great place for small events. The shish kebab is excellent, special thanks to who cooks this shish kebab 😍👍🏼