Приглашаем мальчишек и девчонок, а также их родителей и учителей принять участие в познавательно-развлекательном Квесте о жизни улиток. Продолжительность Квеста 1 час 20 минут. Квест проводит веселая улитка Молли. В конце Квеста все участники полу...
14 Br1 pcs.
Новогодняя программа на ферме!
С 26 по 30 декабря приглашаем вас на уникальное приключение, где волшебство Нового года встречается с увлекательным миром улиток и непредсказуемыми героями!
Что вас ждет?
• Погружение в удивительный мир улиток под руководством нашей очароват...
20 Br1 pcs.
Улитки Эскарго по-бургундски
Средиземноморские фермерские улитки Helix aspersa Maxima в панцире, запечатанные в соусе по-бургундски. В упаковке 12 штук. Вес нетто 155 гр.
Состав: мясо средиземноморской улитки, масло сливочное 82,5%, чеснок, укроп, соль.
Many thanks to the PilipULI team for organizing and conducting an educational tour for 5th grade students.
The quest is wonderful. The guys enthusiastically performed intellectual and musical tasks, and at the end of the meeting they were awarded sweet prizes!
You can touch, feed, smell, observe, ask and experience the sensations of contact with large and small snails.
We recommend it! A wonderful pastime for both children and adults!
We have never regretted that we came to the snail farm "Pilipuli", our family really liked it) We were with two children aged 5 and 9.
The program is built super lively and interesting! 1 hour 20 excursions flew by unnoticed. The children were involved, the adults laughed and learned interesting facts.
Everything is in a game format, honestly, I didn't think that snails could be so interesting))))
There was a quiz, snail races, a puzzle, an excursion, chiku riku and Greek sirtaki danced, a talented little gymnast performed)
And at the end, the most anticipated part for me is the tasting of the set.
The youngest child refused the tasting, he did not get the idea to eat them (he does not understand anything, in short))).
I tried it for the first time and I really liked it) And snails and caviar, now I understand why it is a delicacy, delicious!!!
Thanks guys! We will recommend you to our friends. You are great fellows, it's so great that such cool places are appearing in Belarus)
Prosperity to you!
The farm left only positive emotions, everything was perfectly explained, shown, told, asked questions, it was interesting and informative to answer them. A large farm, several types of snails and different sizes. Pleasant atmosphere, well-equipped building, very cozy. I liked the Lynx cat, likes to be stroked and is very friendly to people.
Special thanks to piggy Vasya, who managed to cheer us up with his dream!