A special place. It will not leave anyone indifferent. For some, these are incredible sculptures, for others it is creepy from imaginary paintings, but for me personally, this is a place through which the owner tried to convey something of his innermost. But can we see it?
The place is very attractive and completely unusual. Walking there, I heard an opinion: "So that everything is "Wow" - I disagree." I'll say this: "There are so many people, so many opinions." But definitely - this place will not leave anyone indifferent. It is very impressive that all this was conceived and implemented by one person. How versatile he was.
Ooo! To say that I liked it is to say nothing! I'm absolutely thrilled! You can hang out here for a long time. So many things!! Moreover, construction is still ongoing. And this means that after a while there will be something new! I omit the details - admire for yourself) And yes, treat the author as a creator with your own special imagination.
In principle, it's not a bad place, but a lot of things still don't work. In two years it will be very cool here. I'll have to come over to compare it.
It's a cool place... There is no single style ..It looks like they were doing a lot of things... Maybe that's why it's interesting.. I've been there once, but I'll definitely come back again...
A very interesting place in the fantasy style to immerse yourself in an unusual atmosphere. The only bad thing is that there are unfinished objects that would be very interesting, and there are closed places. You can visit it at once.
A strong place in which a huge amount of work and talent is invested. It's a pity it's not finished to the end, but what is really impressive. I recommend it to those who love mysticism and just non-standard and high-quality artistic ideas.
I advise you not to go to a bad place, the entrance fee is 5 rubles, unfortunately there is no terminal for accepting cards. Nearby there is a small picturesque lake in the middle of the forest.
A once-chic project has turned into a money-taking from the population. The owner was gone and everything was fucked up. There is no one to clean the lake, the dragon has flown somewhere, there is no soundtrack, but now everything is paid. It's a shame, though...
It is interesting, beautiful, and fascinating for adults and teenagers. Made with good imagination. If someone is passing by, be sure to visit. It's worth it!
The place is interesting. Especially the Hell Room and the steampunk installations. But not without a fly in the ointment.! The receptionist is not very friendly!
The place is cool, but somehow it presses, it was not possible to stay for a long time, but maybe I'm so impressionable. The village is developing further, new locations are being built
An original place with its own unique atmosphere, filled with unexpected, cute and even "scary" images. A slightly incomplete idea due to the death of an ideological leader, the readiness of the place is about 80-90%
In my opinion, it will be interesting for both teenagers and their parents)
It's a wonderful place. Atmospheric. It is a pity that the author of all this wonderfulness is no longer with us. How many more interesting and beautiful things could he have created. My daughter was, like me, completely delighted.
I was disappointed. Maybe I don't understand something, of course, but I think that when they make some nonsense out of junk and call it an abstraction....probably this place is exclusively for the sophisticated public
Everything is cool , but the lack of an opportunity to have a snack is upsetting . There are few parking spaces. And I recommend it to both adults and children.
A very beautiful and interesting place! Especially when you know the history of these places. Definitely worth a visit, since there is simply no such second one in our country. I would like to make the conditions of the bathrooms better)
An interesting, creepy and, at the same time, attractive place. A large number of inherently different art objects are collected in one location. This is not counting the reservoir and recreation areas nearby. It will be interesting for both adults and children
I really liked the manor! When I was little, I was in Lithuania, there was only a lake. And now a small amusement park! A lot of positive emotions in our difficult time! Thanks to the owner of such a beautiful estate!
The place is "for an amateur". Apparently I'm not one of them).
For the sake of objectivity, I can say that everyone should make up their own opinion about this place, so I advise you to visit.
An unusual manor that does not fall under any classification. It was created by an absolutely talented person - an artist, sculptor, architect and visionary in one person. During his lifetime, it was open to the public for free. After his untimely death, they began to charge an entrance fee. You can see the bus stop for free (as well as gazebos, barbecues, benches, lanterns along the lake shore), which was also created by this unusual man - Sergey Koval.