There are places where people are real, of the highest human meaning, of the noblest and brightest organization of the soul... I am wholeheartedly proud of these people, I am proud that They are my wonderful countrymen... These wonderful people work at Gursky 42, in the Fauna of the City organization, in a shelter for homeless animals. Thank you, wonderful, wonderful People, People with a capital letter, thank you for your kindness...
The administrator of the shelter was hired according to the principle: From 1 to 10 how much do you hate people? 12!
Super, keep your red lipstick and orange hair dye.
No one warns about the peculiarities of dogs, aggression and unstable psyche of animals. Be prepared for the fact that any animal that you take from here can pounce on you.
Good evening. 18.14
I can't get through to you, apparently the contact information is not up-to-date.
The work schedule is also not specified.
Situation. My cat walked around the house where she lives every day. she was tame, but loved to run around the street. She always came home, ate well, was picked up by me from the street from the very kitten. Regularly responds to the name Besyao. Completely black.
I was going on vacation and gave her to a neighbor for overexposure, during the period of my departure, animal protection day happened and apparently some trapping actions took place. She's gone.
AND your CONTACT INFORMATION IS INCORRECT. And so I arrived. 10 days have passed, that is, I can now lose a friend, do you think this is a reason to worry?