Bilasizlarmi, manda shunaqa vaziyat boldiki daxshat, olxdan xaridor chiqdi olmaliq shahrudan va u yandex fargo support dan dostavka qilas, va men hamma harajati dokumentlani togilliman db manga yuvordi man pul qabul qilishim un sms kod, karta raqam, terdim, kn man shubxalana boshladim. Man shu payt Google dan shu fargono topob operator bilan gaplashdim, va u menga bula moshennikla didi, bermen dib masalaxat berdi. Alhamduillah qutulib qoldim kartada yahshigina summa bor edi. Operatorla borilga shukur...
Everything was delivered quickly and efficiently. One disadvantage is that the girl who works there would learn the main cities of all regions, so not knowing where Nukus is is very strange.
This is the 3rd time in 3 years that I have contacted this delivery service. I notice an upward growth. I sent the phone today (domestic delivery). The smartphone was without a box, but packed in 3 layers.pupyrku. the employee convinced me to put it in the box as well. No extra charges. This indicates a high level of service! I am very happy with this. The prices are mundane. They reach the recipients on time. There are different rates depending on the type (office-home) of courier delivery. Keep it up guys!!