Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
9 Br150 g
Салат с курицей, свежими овощами, пармезаном и гренками
19 Br240 g
Тартар из говядины
22 Br250 g
Крем-суп из шампиньонов с трюфельным маслом
15 Br285 g
Тыквенный крем-суп с семечками
15 Br285 g
Лазанья Болоньезе
19 Br320 g
Спагеттони карбонара
19 Br300 g
Бургер с говяжьей котлетой, беконом и картофелем фри
Visiting the cafe left a lot of positive impressions and pleasant emotions. The atmosphere is cozy, the design is thought out to the smallest detail, which is very pleasing to the eye :) I can't find the words to describe the delight of the kitchen and the bar! Everything was incredibly delicious. I want to come back again. Thank you for the pleasant service and an unforgettable evening.
A wonderful family place.
The food is top notch. Everything was very tasty. I liked the cocktails too.
The staff is wonderful. Everyone suggested, recommended, and communicated very politely. We will definitely come again. Thank you very much ☺️
We celebrated our birthday with our family in the cafe "Surname" and were sooo satisfied!
Firstly... Delicious! The dishes are cooked with high quality, only in moderation. The portions are enough to enjoy the taste. The drinks are interesting and varied for every taste.
Secondly... friendly and attentive staff! Upon prior reservation, the table was decorated for our arrival. Also, all our wishes were taken into account during the evening.
Thirdly... pleasant atmosphere of the hall and good music. It is not loud and unobtrusive, it disposes to a quiet rest.
We liked everything!
Thank you cafe "Surname" for a wonderful evening)
We will definitely come back to you!)))