Замена передних и задних стоек амортизатора: от 30 руб. за 1 шт.; замена передних колодок: от 15 руб. за пару (1 ось);
15 Br
- Ремонт и обслуживание авто в Бресте;
- Замена масла;
- Шиномонтаж;
- Заправка кондиционера.
Диагностика подвески проводится с 9-00 - 10-00 каждый день (кроме воскресенья) по предварительной записи.
Repair sevices:a/c recharging and repair, repair of brake system, auto repair, engine repairs, full car sevice, oil changes, running gear repair, computer car diagnostics, gearbox repair
Many thanks to the guys from the service for the fast and high-quality service of my bun. Beha doesn't just ride, beha flies. The engine is running smoothly, pleasing to the ear. Also, thank you so much for directing me to a good wrecker, now the car is driving clearly and smoothly, holding the road perfectly.
Of the "cons", they work really fast and smoothly, you don't have time to get used to walking)
Greetings from the cheerful painted f30)
High-quality service the guys work 100% pleasant communication with the masters, I will always advise in any situation, great help with the selection of spare parts, they always advise the beneficial side for the client, they always give the car at the scheduled time for the client
We refueled the air conditioner quickly and efficiently-the price is like everywhere else in the city, they work until 20, I stopped by 19-they accepted and did it! Thanks!