I went into the store, in my purse, where the money and documents were, there was a half of bread that I bought in another Euroopt, I asked the seller "if they have such bread" and showed the half to avoid trouble. The seller rudely attacked me: "take the bread to the storage room right now, I didn't have enough to check everyone's bag yet." I returned and had to put my bread in an unclean chamber. But that's not all, she prayed until I bought another product, reproaching me with "buyer's rights" until I took my bread from the camera and left the store. I am a sick person, I did not demand a complaint book, because I did not want to worry my nerves anymore. It happened in the Euroopt in Kobrin, near the hospital on 29.10.24 at 13.30, I don't know what her name is. Is she right?